Diploma of Dietary and Nutritional Science

Food is medicine. It is also one of the topics a majority of people are confused about. This Diploma is about understanding the science behind food and how it impacts our health. You’ll learn the fundamentals of nutrition, diet planning, and how to support people in making healthier food choices- for their own individual needs- to improve their overall well-being.

This is not a one size fits all approach. You will learn how to help your clients find a program specific to their individual needs and goals.

We teach the science of how the body processes food, what nutrients we need to thrive, and how diet can prevent or treat a variety of health issues.

This Diploma has 4 Kinesiology specific units, and 6 homestudy units that cover nutrition, chemistry, biochemisty and pathology.

It is taught over 11 months (5 months in the classroom, the other 6 months you can study from home.

Total cost of Diploma 4
$6,100 incl. GST
10 units over 11 months

Extended payment plans available. 5% discount for upfront payment offered.

After completing these 10 units you will be able to help a huge number of clients get their health and wellness back on track, and give them clarity in an area so many find confusing.

Personal Ecology (ECO)

In these four units, you will take a deeper look into nutrition and how foods interact with the immune system and ways to modify our lifestyle and behaviour to achieve ultimate health. We also look at how stress and adrenaline affect every aspect of your body, ways we commonly sabotage ourselves and how to stop it.

Upon completion of this Diploma, you will be able to assist your clients with a range of common health complaints such as immune mismatch response (sensitivities and allergies), depleted health and vitality, adrenal exhaustion, chronic fatigue, overgrowths, bacteria, viruses and parasites. You will also learn about detoxification and be given programs for excessive foreign chemicals, heavy metals and substance abuse.

Basic Nutrition (NUT)

This is a home study unit that covers the theory of Nutrition on a basic level, and will give you the tools you need to analyse your clients’ dietary requirements and give suggestions based on that analysis.

Chemistry, Biochemistry and Pathology (CBP)

A further 5 home study units that is an introduction to clinical chemistry, clinical biochemistry and pathology as it relates to your role as a Kinesiologist.



Diploma of Dietary and Nutritional Science

Prerequisites: Completion of Kinesiopractic Level 1 or equivalent

*SPM 101 – Stress Release Made Easy

*SPM 102 – Epigenetic Healing Cycles- Your DNA is not your Destiny

*SPM 103 – Tibetan Energy and Vitality

*OCT 301 – Diagnosis and Treatment vs Kinesiology Protocol (Red Flags)

ECO 201 – Dietary and Lifestyle Modification Protocols

ECO 202 – Immune Mismatch Response (Allergies and Sensitivities)

ECO 301 – Adrenal, Geopathic and Life Energy Protocols

ECO 302 – Cleansing and Detoxification Protocols

NUT 1 – Provide basic Dietary Advice (home study)

CBP 1 – Part 1- Clinical Chemistry (home study)

CBP 2 – Part 2- Clinical Biochemistry (home study)

CBP 3 – Part 3- Pathology 1- Musculoskeletal Injuries (home study)

CBP 4 – Part 4- Pathology 2- Mechanisms of Illness A (home study)

CBP 5 – Part 5- Pathology 3- Mechanisms of Illness B (home study)

*Note SPM 101, SPM 102, SPM 103 and OCT 301 are part of each of the four Diplomas. If you have taken these classes in Diploma 1, you don’t have to do them again. If you haven’t taken them yet, you will add them to this Diploma.

Total cost of Diploma 4 – $6,100 incl. GST
10 Units over 11 Months

Extended payment plans available. 5% discount for upfront payment offered.