Diploma of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Have you ever looked at a loved one in pain and wished you could do something about it? Well now you can.

This hands-on program teaches you how to help your clients (and lucky family and friends) recover from injuries and accidents and get back to their daily activities. You will learn how to assess, treat, and rehabilitate a range of physical conditions, from sprains and strains to chronic pain and joint issues. We look at the jaw and skull in depth, as well as the pelvis and pelvic floor (Essential if you want to work in the area of conception, birth and recovery). You will learn how to correct every muscle in the body from the big weight bearing ones in your leg, to the tiny ones that move your eyeball.

Your clients will regain their strength, flexibility, and mobility – so they can live a pain-free, active and happy life. You can help athletes stay in peak physical condition. There is a huge level of satisfaction whey you see a client walk into your clinic with pain and walk out with none.

If you would like to be a practitioner in high demand with a steady flow of clients, this course is for you.

There are 17 units taught over 17 months.

Total cost of Diploma 3
$12,240 incl. GST
17 units over 17 months

Extended payment plans available. 5% discount for upfront payment offered.

Over 17 units you will learn to work with every joint and region of the body including hips, knees, shoulders, neck and back.

Muscles, Skin and Touch (MST)

Be amazed at how incredibly clever our body is and learn the communication it takes for it to work properly. Fantastic protocols to reduce pain in joints such as shoulders, hips, knees, jaw, back and hands. We also look at the importance of touch and how it relates to your health.

Hypertonic Muscle Reset (HMR)

Relief for ongoing and reoccurring pain and stiffness in the body. Discover why emotions play such an important role in in our physical health.

Joints, Adrenals and Flexibility (JAF)

Reduce even more pain and gain flexibility in all of the body’s joints including the jaw and the skull.

Pelvic Diaphragm and Girdle (PDG)

Learn all about the pelvis and common issues in this area including reproduction, fertility and incontinence.

Blood, Viscera and Lymph (BVL)

A deep dive into common digestive problems, the nervous system and the lymphatic system.



Diploma of Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Prerequisites: Completion of Kinesiopractic Level 1 or equivalent

*SPM 101 – Stress Release Made Easy

*SPM 102 – Epigenetic Healing Cycles- Your DNA is not your Destiny

*SPM 103 – Tibetan Energy and Vitality

*OCT 301 – Diagnosis and Treatment vs Kinesiology Protocol (Red Flags)

MST 201 – Muscle Integration and Skin Activation Protocols

MST 202 – Shoulder, Elbow, Hand Muscle Protocols

MST 203 – Hip, Leg and Foot Muscle Protocols

MST 301 – Head, Neck and Trunk Muscle Protocols

MST 302 – Touch, Clothes and Environmental Protocols

MST 303 – Emotional Anatomy and Emotional Intelligence

HMR 201 – Hypertonic Muscle Release Basic

HMR 301 – Hypertonic Muscle Release – Arms and Legs

HMR 302 – Hypertonic Muscle Release- Head, Neck and Torso

RBT 201 – Trigger Points

JAF 201 – Temporomandibular Joint and Cranial Protocols

JAF 301 – Ligament and Joint Protocols

JAF 302 – Inflexibility, Injury and Strain Protocols

PDG 301 – Pelvic Postures and Sacral Balancing

PDG 302 – Pelvic Diaphragm

BVL 301 – Valves, Viscera and Blood Vessels

BVL 302 – Breast and Other Lymph Clearing

*Note SPM 101, SPM 102, SPM 103 and OCT 301 are part of each of the four Diplomas. If you have taken these classes in Diploma 1, you don’t have to do them again. If you haven’t taken them yet, you will add them to this Diploma.

Total cost of Diploma 3 – $12,240 incl. GST
17 Units over 17 Months

Extended payment plans available. 5% discount for upfront payment offered.